Convenient, affordable, and easy to ride, scooters are underrated vehicles that deserve more attention. However, while they offer plenty of perks, scooters are rather niche vehicles—and typically aren’t a great fit for a majority of buyers on the market. If you’re on the hunt for a new vehicle, we strongly recommend checking out our article below to see if a scooter is the right fit for you. 


Scooters are often the best choice for commuters! These vehicles are convenient to travel with, can easily fit into tight parking spaces, and can help you quickly bypass heavy traffic to get to where you need to go. However, scooters aren’t often allowed to travel on busier streets—such as highways or interstates—due to their speed. If you’re an avid traveler or want to take a day trip outside of the city on your new vehicle, a scooter may not be the best choice for you. 

Budget Buyers 

Few vehicles on the market can beat a scooter in terms of price. Scooters offer some of the lowest price tags available for street-legal vehicles and offer owners a number of long-term savings as well. With a scooter, you’ll save on maintenance fees, fuel expenses, and even insurance rates—making these vehicles the best choice for buyers on tight budgets. 

On the hunt for a handy scooter to help you travel around town? Then be sure to stop here at Honda® of North Carolina. We offer an amazing selection of affordable, high-quality scooter models for you to choose from at our location here in Granite Falls, NC, and are always happy to assist those traveling from nearby regions like Hickory and Newton, NC.